London Escorts - Ela Mix-Europian/Br London Escort

Escort ID: 173 visitors: 27344
registerd: 2025-02-22 22:21:34updated: 2025-02-22 22:21:34
About Ela London Escort

(I am 5’6-168cm) (Body size 8) (breasts 34b) (weight 57kg) (shoes size 6) (Peachy ars) (Tight shaven pussy) (beatifull feet) (big sweet lips) (Long dark brown hair) ( sexy brown eyes) Im sensual and also passionate in bed! I belive in treating each other with respect, cleanliness and having nice fun time :) Im open to dinner date/companion/travelling/overnigt I have a range of lots of sexy underwear, G-strings, Fish-Net, Stockings, Suspenders, Sexy lingerie, Secretary, Kinky-Party-Classy Mini skirts, Jeans, Skater dress, Elegant evening dress, etc.. Foot wear: High heels, Boots, Strap heels

Ela London Escorts Services

GF,Experiance, owo, cim, kiss/FK, safe sex diffrent positions, no anal, 69, spanking, foot fetish, licking/sucking balls, oral with/without, massage, face siting, etc..

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Ela 07542114151 London escort
Escort Name:
Escort City:

London London escorts

United-Kingdom United-Kingdom escorts
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Height: 168 Cm
Weight: 57 Kg
Nationality: Mix-Europian/Br
Language: English
Ela London escort contact details
Phone: 07542114151Tell that you are calling from to increase your chances of getting a discount.
Currency: POUND
Duration: Incall/Outcall
Rate information of Ela London escorts
Time InCall OutCall Currency
1 Hour: 150 200 POUND
2 Hours: 280 360 POUND
3 Hours: 400 500 POUND
Over Night: 1000 POUND
Contact directly to Ela from London
Any transaction made between you and the girl is for her time and company only. Whatever else that may occur, is a matter of choice made between consenting adults. This website is not responsible for how you wish to interpret the information provided by the escort. All provided services are on the lady's sole discretion.
London Escorts - Ela Mix-Europian/Br London Escort
London Escorts - Ela Mix-Europian/Br London Escort
London Escorts - Ela Mix-Europian/Br London Escort
London Escorts - Ela Mix-Europian/Br London Escort
Ela escorts provided services:

Escort - Escorts - Escort List - Escort Gallery - London Escort - London Escorts - Escort in London - Escorts in London - United-Kingdom Escort - United-Kingdom Escorts - Escorts in United-Kingdom - Mix-Europian/Br Escorts

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